Quite possibly taking a nod from art movements of the past — conjure Fluxus or Dada — the Singapore-based design lab Black Mark established their art/fashion/lifestyle boutique Black Market to “retaliate and reject all the ideals of commercial bombardment” and to “celebrate design in all its manifestations”. Black Market, located stylishly close to Haji Lane, hits high marks for curating international brands like Nixon and Ksubi with local Singaporean designers. Every product featured within the store is carefully selected so there is plenty of rhyme and reason behind why a sweater and jeans have found their way into the shop. Black Mark blogs about each new brand the boutique picks up: take, for instance, the hipster sunglass label Mystic Vintage, which gets it’s inspiration from vintage frames and iconic figures like John Lennon and Ziggy Stardust who wore them; the deconstructionist brand Nickicio, alongside books by the Swiss Nieves collective; and French indie label L’Espace Des Createurs. Quincy Teofisto of Black Mark says the boutique is about “style rather than trends… Blackmarket is diverse, nonconformist, and unpretentious.” A look inside reflects this, with a do-it-yourself ingenuity — one will awe at the handmade Orangina bottle chandelier perched above the wares. Black Market is a celebration of artistic collaboration, reminding us as audience and consumer that playful experimentation does a wardrobe, and a heart, plenty of good.