Moderat are a German electronic supergroup comprised of the members of Modeselektor and Apparat. After working on an EP together more than 5 years ago, both acts went their separate ways and came to fame on their own: Apparat, most notably, for his collaboration with compatriot Ellen Allien and Modeselektor for 2007’s worldwide crossover Happy Birthday. The two acts ran into each other on the way to a public swimming pool in Berlin and had an argument about whose most recent album was better, and how each could have benefited from the other’s involvement. So, it only made sense to resurrect their long-lost project to prove the point. In that respect, Moderat (BPitch Control) is a successful exercise in synergy, and thrives on the explorations its members are willing to take together, from dubstep to atmospheric IDM, alternating between instrumental and vocal-driven tracks. The most memorable of these experiments, “Rusty Nails”, showcases Apparat’s Sascha Ring on vocals, and feels like what would happen if the Notwist let Burial make its beats. In case there was any doubt, Berlin is in the house.
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