Check out this video of a bus ride through a forest fire in Queensland, Australia, set brilliantly to Tchaichovsky. Full-screen mode recommended.

Chris Scarborough is an artist known for his preoccupation with mixing, morphing, and combining things in improbable ways. And he always does so with impeccable drafting precision, so that the finished works, while unusual and often surreal, appear to have an element of truth to them, as though they are right in some unknown way — even though the objects and figures he creates don’t look that way in the “real” world. An artist with such tendencies seemed like a good choice to provide an EARTH BY image, and his contribution (no. 24 in our ongoing series) is every bit as enigmatic and thought provoking as we would have imagined. “It explores an environment,” he says, “that exists after some global event — the big bang if you will. But we are not sure what kind of bang it was, and the world we now experience is similar to the one we knew, but some things are now askew.” Having received his BFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2000, Scarborough is off to an impressive start in his art career. He has been included in New American Paintings and covered in ArtPapers Magazine, High Fructose, and PLANET among others. He exhibited at Foley Gallery in New York City in 2008 and has an upcoming show in December at Marcia Wood Gallery in Atlanta. He currently lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee.